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Translation and more

English - Portuguese - Spanish - French - German 


I have a Bachelor in Applied Foreign Languages (to Multilingualism and the Information Society) from the University of Brasilia (UnB).  



           Here you can find some of my services as a translator/language consultant but also some projects and visions that interest me about languages.


Sensible translations

Special attention to detail

Inclusive and non-binary language whenever possible <3 



English <---> Portuguese 

Spanish <---> Portuguese



French -> Portuguese 

German -> Portuguese 




Here are some institutions where I have worked as a translator and/or translation specialist:

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Handbook of Inquiries

Handbook of Inquiries on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning from the Global South. 



           The Handbook is the final assignment for the international course on "Justice between knowledges: Epistemologies of the Global South and Knowledges born in resistance" of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). 


            This is a handbook for anyone who is enthusiastic about language study, whether they are a teacher, self-taught or just curious.



            The idea is to think about foreign language teaching and learning processes from a Global South perspective. This means learning/teaching a new language while reflecting on our context, rights, cultures, methodologies and even epistemologies.



             I leave it here available as a PDF and hope that we can broaden this debate! <3 


(The handbook is written in Portuguese, please let me know if you'd like to have access to it in another language!)




Boca is a Language Justice and Language Learning Consultancy project.



Here you can find out more about Boca 


© 2023 by emily bandeira

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The initial works of Boca in the linguistic market began with translations. Since then, we became specialists in translating from sensible and inclusive perspectives.

In the last few years, we mainly translate for institutions of the the third sector. 

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